48. Bertha Julia HEINTZ
was born in Mar 1867 in Sacramento, Sacramento, CA. She died on 6 May 1942
in San Francisco, San Francisco, CA. Listed in the Census for Sacramento, Sacramento,
CA. 1880,1900,1910,1920.
Index to Marriage Certificates, Sacramento, CA; FHL film #1301817.
She was
married to Harry DEWEY on 9 May 1888 in Sacramento, Sacramento, CA.
(1) Harry DEWEY
(11) was born on 6 Aug 1864 in Grass Valley, Nevada, California.
(11) He died on 17 Apr 1943 in San Francisco,
San Francisco, CA.(8) Mr. Dewey is one
of California's native sons. He was born in Grass Valley, Nevada County, Aug.
6, 1864 and at a very early age was left alone in the world, both parentspassing
away in the sixties. He was the eldest of three sons, and his early childhood
was spent in the Protestant Orphan's Home at Sacramento. When a mere lad he
was taken from that institution by a poneer rancher of Placer County, who compelled
him to perform tasks far beyond his strength; and i n consequence his boyhood
was aperiod of hard and unremitting labor, devoid of every pleasure and pstime
of youth. In such an environment he grew to manhood, and subsequently he worked
at odd jobs in various parts of the couty, accepting any employment that would
afford him an honest living. He carefully saved his earnings and at length axquired
a captioal sufficient to enabel hism to embark in business on his own account.
In 1889 he went to Rocklin, Placer County, where he secured work in the quarries
, but abandoned that postion as he was unwilling to join the union which was
then being formed, for he has never been in sympathy with the methods of organized
In 1889, Mr. Dewey returned to Sacramento County and located on the Heintz farm,
which he operated in partnership with Jacob Heintz until the latter's death in
1896. After Mr. Heintz's death he was associated in business wiwth Mrs. Heintz
until 1901 when he took over her interest in the ranch. For some years previous
to the death of MR. Heintz, Mr. Dewey engaged in farming on the San Juan grant,
cultivaation at times as many as 4,000 acres, on which they grew large quanties
of wheat, barley and hay; and they also operated extensively on the Haggin grant,
contributing in notable measure to the agricultural development of this region.
He always has preferred the American type of workder, and was ever just, considerate
and tactful in the treatment of his employees, who remained with hiam from season
to season. Since the advent of land-colonization projects, the men who formerly
operated large taracts of arid land have gradually withdrawn form this field,
and of the 385 acre farm which Mr. Dewey orginally owned he now has about 180
acres, having sold some 200 acres. This tract is now known as Citrus Heights,
No 1, and seven ranches have been developed by irragation and the planting of
fruit trees. Mr. Dewey's ranch, Oaklawn, is situated twelve miles northeast of
Sacramento, in the San Juan belt. In 1912 he began his development work, setting
out twenty five acres to almond treees. By subsequent plantings he now has eitghty
acres under almond culture, and in blossom time his trees are a beautiful sight,
giving promise of bontiful harvests. The marketing problem has been a difficult
one for every grower, and since 1910 Mr. Dewey had given much tiem and thought
to its solution. He has an expert knowledge of his occupation, and since 1917
has been a director of the Fair Oaks and Orangevale Almond Association. He is
now serving for the third term as president of the organization, which is connected
with the State Ezchange and is now operating a newly completed modern plant at
Fair Oaks. He reads broadly and thinks deeply, and is well-informed on the subject
of the cooperative marketing of farm produce.
Mr. Dewey has made business but one phase of his life, and his influence has
been a dominant force in community progress and upbuilding. He is a stanch and
sympathetic friend of children, whose welfare is close to his heart; and he has
worked untiringly to promote educational standards and facilities. He has served
as school trustee, and it was largely owing to his efforts that the San Juan
High School was erected on the site most advantageous to all in the district.
His polictical support is given ot the Republican party and at various times
he has served on the county grand jury. He is prominent in local fraternal cirles,
being a charter member and past president of Roseville Aerie, No. 1582, of the
Order of Eagles and also an Elk and an Odd Fellow, belonging to Lodge No. 6 in
the former organization and to Captial Lodge No. 87, in the latter. He is intensely
loyal and patriotic, and tathe time of the war against Germany gave liverally
of his time and means to futher the interests of his country.
In 1888 Mr. Dewey married Miss Bertha Heintz a daughter of the late Jacob Heintz
and to her helpful cooperation, advice and sympathy he attributes much of his
success. Four children blessed their union, but Letha L., the first-born, died
in infancy.
Bertha Julia HEINTZ and Harry DEWEY had the following children:
66 i.
Letha L. DEWEY(11). She died in infancy.
+67 ii.
Harold J DEWEY.
+68 iii.
+69 iv.
Joseph Heintz DEWEY.