29. John Webster GRIFFEN (4) was born on 31 Mar 1853 in NY. (1) He died on 11 Feb 1912. (4) He was buried in Easton, MD.(4) John was born and lived in Elba, NY until he was 31 years old (abt 1884) when he moved to Lewis, MD. He stayed there until Nov. 1, 1911, when he returned to Elba.
He was married to Franc RUPP on 18 Sep 1881.
(6) Franc RUPP died about 1906.
(4) She was buried in Easton, MD.(4)
John Webster GRIFFEN and Franc RUPP had the following children:
+107 i.
Owina GRIFFEN(6) was born on 1 Oct
1891 in Cordova, MD.(6) She died on 7
Jan 1974.(6) She lived in Elba, NY.
108 ii.
Emil GRIFFEN(7) was born about 1900.
(7) He lived in Batavia, NY in 1917.
+109 iii.
Fern GRIFFEN(7) was born on 26 Feb
1896.(12) He died in Feb 1974.
(12) In 1917 he was at Co. C., 325th Inf., Camp Gordon, Atlanta, GA.