65. Isaac J. WICKS (4) was born on 22 Apr 1866 in Elba, Genesee, NY.(4) He died on 24 Jan 1914. (4) He died of dropsy. He was buried in Quaker Hill Cemetery, Elba, Genesee, NY.(4) The funeral was held at the Friend's Church, Rev Mina L. Harkness officiating. The Bearers were Calvin Mark, George Harkness,Herbert Barker and Fred Shuknecht. Mrs. W. Desson sang. Isaac Wicks was also in the news quite often- the following are newpaper clippings.

Oct. 11, 1900- Isaac Weeks, who is employed by the Harkness brothers, had his hand badly hurt while pressing hay yesterday. While closing the press he silpped and one of the iron claws passed directly through the hand just back of the two middle fingers. Dr. Gray dressed the wound, which was very painful.

Dec. 23, 1901- A jury has been called for Justice Dunham's court to pass on an action brought by Isaac Wicks of Batavia against W.E. Harkness of Elba to recover $82.22 for services as a farmhand during three years past. The defendant pleads payment in full by the settling of accunts for goods purchased by Wicks. The case will be tried on January 9th. George W. Babcock appears for Wicks and William E. Webster for the defendant.

Jan 13, 1904- Isaac Wicks, who lives on the Batavia- Elba townline road, was arrested at his home today by Sheriff Clark for violating the compulsory education law in not sending his 10 year old daughter, Maude, to school. He pleaded not guilty. He was released on his own recognizance for trial on January 21st.

Jan. 21, 1904- Isaac Wicks of the Batavia town line road, who was arrested for violating the compulsary education law in not sending his ten year old daughter, Maude to school, was discharged in Justice Coon's court today. Mr. Wicks is now sending his daughter to school and agrees to have her attend regularly hereafter.

Oct 22, 1907- While Isaac Wicks was picking apples on Saturday the limb on which the ladder was resting broke and he fell 20 feet to the ground, over a bushel of apples, going down with him. No bones were broken, but he recieved bruises that will lay him up awhile.

April 14, 1910- Isaac Wicks and August Sheik, farm hands employed by L.Harris, indulged in an altercation on Tuesday and Wicks inflicted several beauty marks on the face of his foe, the result being that, on complaint of Sheik, Justice Wilford issued a warrant for Wicks yesterday. Through the instrumentality of Mr. Harris, however, Wicks appeared before the justice and pleaded guilty being fined $2.

May 6, 1910- Isaac Wicks, who is a farm hand for Lancton Harris, drove a three horse team before a heavy farm wagon to Batavia yesterday. Near Ross Street Wicks left the team standing for a moment and the horses ran away, going through Ross and North Streets to the State Park, where they were captured by Mr. Edgerton. The wagon was partially loaded with corn. The damage to the oufit was not very heavy.

Aug 13, 1910- Isaac Wicks, who is employed by Lancton Harris, met with a painful accident, recently. While he was cutting kindling wood the axe slipped, severing some of the cords in one of his feet.

March 3, 1911- Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Wicks entertained friends on Saturday evening in observance of an anniversary of the bith of Mr. Wicks. A repast was served and a pleasant evening was spent.

He was married to Isabella SAGE about 1891. (1) Isabella SAGE was born in Sep 1865 in Parma, NY.(4) (1) Isaac J. WICKS and Isabella SAGE had the following children:

child142 i. Maude May WICKS was born on 22 Jun 1893 in Elba, Genesee, NY. (4)
child143 ii. Hersey E. WICKS was born on 16 Oct 1897 in Elba, Genesee, NY. (4) He weighed seven pounds at birth. He died on 1 Dec 1897 in Elba, Genesee, NY.(4) He died from Pneumonia. Funeral services were conducted by Rev. J. D. Wood.

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