58. Mary J WICKS (photo) was born on 21 Mar 1867 in Elba, Genesee, NY.
She was married to
Herbert J WRIGLEY (son of Isaac WRIGLEY and
Mary) on 27 Jan 1887 in Elba, Genesee, NY. Herbert
J WRIGLEY(5) was born on 1 Jul 1861
in Batavia-Oakfield Townline Rd, West of Dunham's Corners.
(4) He died on 16 Apr 1906. He was buried in Cary Cemetery, Oakfield,
Genesee, NY.(6) He lived in Oakfield,
NY and in Buffalo, NY. He was a fireman on the railroad and was killed in train
wreck. The newpaper article reads: North Tonawanda, April 17 (1906) - Herbert
J. Wrigley of Buffalo and W.L. Brown of West Philaelphia, PA both firemen on
the Erie, were killed in head on collision near La Salle at 3:30 o'clock yesterday
morning. Locomotives No. 1064, Thomas S. Ellis, engineer, and Wrigley, firman,
drawing a heavy freinght train sounthbound, and locomotive No. 1330, M. J. Kelly,
engineer and Brown, fireman, drawing only a caboose and running toward the Falls,
came together while running at a high rate of speed. Engineer Kelly's leg was
broken, Engineer Ellis's right hand was crushed. Both engeines were demolished
and two cars, loaded with oranges, behind engine 1064 were telescoped. Frieman
Wrigley was caught in the cab between a board and the boiler of No. 1064, where
the hot steam scalded him frightfully. His head was crushed to a pulp. It was
necessary to tear away the wrecked cars and lower the tank of the engine before
his body was freed. As evidence of how Wrigley's body was boiled, it was observed
that it was possible ot pick a pocketbook he had to peices with the fingers.
Fireman Brown's neck was broken and his right leg was crushed. Mary J WICKS
and Herbert J WRIGLEY had the following children:
132 i.
Eugene WRIGLEY(4) was born on 3 Feb
1889 in Oakfield, Genesee, NY.(4) He died
on 5 Jan 1918 in Buffalo, Erie, NY.(4)
He was buried in Cary Cemetery, Oakfield, Genesee, NY.
(4) He llived in Buffalo, Ny, California, and Seattle, Washington.
He recieved part of his education at Cary Seminary, Oakfield, NY. He was unmarried.
He was ill for several years from tuberculosis.
+133 ii.
Roswell L WRIGLEY(4) was born on
29 Oct 1893. He died in Oct 1978.(12)
They lived in Buffal, NY and then moved to New York City. From there teh family
sailed to South America in January 1928. he was an auditor and later a Comptroller
and Vice President for South America, for the International Telegraph and Telephone
Co. He was stationed at Montevideo, Uruguay and then at Buenos Aries, Argentina
in 1934 and 1938. His SS# was 127-24-2179.
+134 iii.
Winfred E WRIGLEY was born on 24 Sep 1898.