13. Stephen Ackley WICKS
(4) (photo) was
born on 26 Feb 1836 in Elba, Genesee, NY.(3)
He died on 11 Jun 1913 in Elba, Genesee, NY.
(3) Stephen died of heart failure. He was buried in Maple Lawn Cemetery,
Elba, Genesee, NY.(4) The funeral took
place at his home at 3 pm. The Rev. Dvid Baron officitaed, assisted by the Rev.
Mia L. Harkness. The bearers were Roswell Wrigley and Stephen A. Underhill of
Buffalo, Howard Isaac of Batavia and James Jones of Elba, all grandsons of Stephen
A. Wicks, and J. Irving Dillngham and Fred Shuknecht, also of Elba. Stephen
was a charter member of the Elba Grange and a birthright member of the Friends
Church. He was a farmer in Oakfield and Chapel Street, Elba, Ny. In 1910, his
brother James came to live with him for the winter. He settled, after his marrige,
in a log house which was later replaced by a commodious dwelling on a fertile
tract of land, which became one of the attractive farm homes of Elba. He was
a farmer until 1903 , when he retired form active life and moved to the village
of Elba. The following articles are from the Progressive Batavian.
May 2, 1879 - East Oakfield - Several East Oakfielders took part in the festivities
of an enjoyable suprise sugar party at Mr. Stephen Wicks, at the Friends Settlement,
Elba, last week Friday evening. It was gotten up by the Friends; was largely
attended and all present had a most excellent. time.
Feb. 18, 1887 - Stephen A. Wicks, of Elba, has rented his farm of 140 Acres to
Henry Altenburg and will remove to Oakfield in the spring.
Apr. 29, 1887 - Stephen A. Wicks is moving this week to Oakfield. It is reported
that he talks of buying a lot in Elba and building there next season.
Aug. 19, 1892 - James and Stephen Wicks were called by telegram to Kalamazoo,
Mich., on Friday last to attend the funeral of the brother Edward. Mr. Wicks
died very suddenly, apoplexy being the cause.
Dec 11, 1897 - Forty Years Married - Aged Elba Couple Celebrate Their Ruby Wedding
- Mr. and Mrs. S.A. Wicks of the Village happily Surprised by Relatives and Friends
- Recipients of many Hansome Gifts - Church service Tomorrow - A very happy event
took place last evening at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. S.A.Wicks, the occasion
being the fortieth anniverary of their marriage. Their children arranged to
celebrate the event by making the aged couple a surprise visit. About 35 relatives
and a few intemate friends were persent. During the evening theri son Edward
of Batavia, in a few well chosen words, presented Mr. and Mrs. Wicks, on behalf
of their five children and six grandchildren, a handsome oak rocking chair and
six sterling silver spoons. There were many other gifts. A Beautiful supper
was served, after which the guests departed, wsihing the couple many years of
happiness yet.
Jan 20, 1902 - Stephen A. Wicks has bought the Alva Babcock house on Chapple
Street for $800.
Apr. 18, 1902 - Dr. L.L. Tozier removed a large bunch from the top of Mr.s Wicks'
head on Wednesday. It had troubled her all winter.
Sep 15, 1902 - Mrs. Wicks of Elba Hurt - Condition Not Serious - Corn Not Yeilding
Well - Friends Meeting - Mrs. Stephen A. Wicks who with her husband attended
the Grange meeting on Saturday evening, fell in the Presbyterian Church yard
while waiting for Mr. Wicks to come up with the horse. She is quite heavy and
was badly shaken up. Dr. Gray attended her. She is confined to her bed.
Mar. 19, 1903 - S.A. Wicks will sell at his farm, 2 1/4 miles north west of Elba
Village, 5 head of horses, 5 head of cattles, a number of fowls and farm tools,
including wagons, plows, harrows, binder, mower, cultivators, rakes, roller,
weeder, sleighs, potato covers and household furniture, including stoves, beds,
bedsprings, chaires, 1 barrel of vinegar and a large lot of small tools. C.H.
Reynolds, auctioneer. Sale at 12 o'clock sharp.
May 24, 1911 - Mrs. Stephen Weeks, who had partially recovered from an illness,
was overcome by the heat on Monday and is now in a serious condition. Her daughter
, Mrs. John Moore of Batavia, is with her.
Oct 23, 1913 - Administrators Sale Saturday Oct 25th - At 2 pm prompt, at the
residence of the late Stephen A. Wicks in the Village of Elba, the following
property will be offered for sale: One Bay Driving Mare, withgt about 1,100 lbs,
One Top Buggy, in good condition. One Spring Wagon, hand made. One good Single
Harness. One Work Harness. One Cutter, Culvator,Wheelbarrow, Lawn Mower, Grindstone,
Scythe, Chest of Carpenters Tools, good, Round Oak Stove, small Heater, Forks,
Hoes, Shovels, and other articles too numerous to mention. Five Hens. Also a
quantity of Household Goods.
Bert A. Hundredmark, Auctioneer
Term: All sums of $5 and under cash; over that amount a credit of three months
will be given on good, approved, endorsed, interest bearing notes, payable at
the Bank of Genesee, Batavia, NY
Edward Wicks
Laura A. Moore, Adminstrators.
He was married to Christiana HAIGHT (daughter
of John HAIGHT Jr. and Catherine POOLE)
on 9 Dec 1857 in Elba, Genesee, NY.(3)
Christiana HAIGHT (photo)
was born on 21 Nov 1832 in Montgomery, NY.(3)
She died on 30 May 1911.(3) She
was buried in Maple Lawn Cemetery, Elba, Genesee, NY.
(4) Her funeral was held at the family home at 3pm. The services
were conducted by the Rev. D. Shorts, pastor of the Methodist Church, assisted
by the Rev. Anna S. Leggett of the Bushville Church, who also sang a selection
at the grave. The bearers were Eugene Wrigley of Buffalo, Stephen Underhill
of Rochester, Howard Isaac of Batavia and James Jones of Elba, all her grandsons.
Stephen Ackley WICKS and Christiana HAIGHT had the following children:
+55 i.
Laura A WICKS.
+56 ii.
Viola Melvina WICKS.
+57 iii.
Susannah C WICKS.
+58 iv.
+59 v.
William Edward WICKS.