2. William Henry WEEKS (2)(3) (2)(3) (photo) was born on 4 May 1798 in Hudson, Columbia, NY.(3) He died on 17 Feb 1881 in Elba, Genesee, NY.(3) William died of Pain in Feet!? He was buried in Quaker Hill Cemetery, Elba, Genesee, NY. (4)
He was married to Susannah SHEFFIELD on 13 Jul 1817.
(3) William Henry was one of the earliest settlers in the north part
of Elba. He was known as the "Fighting Quaker" because of his served
as a lad in the War of 1812, drawing bread and other provisions for the army
from Albany to Buffalo with a four horse team, was his active role in the War.
The soldiers drew a daily ration of whiskey but being a teetotler, Mr. Weeks
exchanged his whiskey for butter, etc. . He saw Buffalo being burned by the
His family moved to Farmington, Ontario County, New York at an early date. It
was there that he met and married his 15 year old bride, Susannah Sheffield.
They had relocated to Farmington when she was very young.
Five years later, in 1822, they settled on the farm where they would pass the
remainder of their days. They purchased for a home tact of land, a parcel of
110 acres located on the highest ridge in the town. When they came here, that
part of the town was a wilderness withouot public roads or other improvements.
William had to mark trees to guide them from one point to the other in the dense
forest. They soon removed the timber and covered the broad fields with golden
grain, but it wasn't easy.
All the pioneer couple possessed at the time was a yoke of oxen, and old shed,
an ax, and 25 cents in money. They moved in the winter, taking up their abode
with a neighbor and began the work of clearing the land. William built a pole
shanty for his oxen, whose only feed that winter was the small branches of green
trees. The he built a small log house with a stick chimney outside aand moved
his family in. Ashes were boiled to make black salts, which were sold to by
groceries and other provisions. The following spring he sowed his grain by hand,
reaped it with a sickle and threshed it with a flail, drawing all of it to Rochester,
38 miles away, with a sled. He received 25 cents a bushel for his wheat. For
going to the mill, he constructed a vehicle by removing the top half from a hollow
log, slanted up at one end, placing a chain abouot it , hitching his oxen to
it and placing the grist in the hollowed section. He had to go to the mill by
way of Batavia and on various occasions people alighted from the stage there
to see his queer turnout. The pioneers often encountered dangers, bears, wildcats
and other wild animals being much in evidence at the time.
With brave hearts and vigorous hope, William and Susannah battled with the privations
and hardships of pioneer life. Together they lived to see and enjoy the wonderful
transformation of the wilderness into a garden of beauty and plenty. Twelve
children gladdend their happy home, most reaching maturity.
William suffered from a severe and painful illness for several weeks before he
died. He had long been a prominent and useful member of the Friend's Church
and was greatly missed by his 34 grandchildern and 24 great-grand children.
After 63 years of marriage, Susannah was left with many fond memories , that
saw her through the following years. Her 83rd birthday celebration was marred
by the fact that she was ill. In the morrning of the 26th of February, 1885,
peace fell upon this great lady and eternal slumber overcame her. The Rev. Edddy
conducted her funeral services at the Friend's Church and she was laid to rest
in the Friend's Cemetery with her husband.
Welcome, Joshua,John, Melvina, Jane, and Edward moved to Michigan when that state
was being settled and have many descendants there.
James H, the yougest, remained at home with his parents and inherited most of
their substantial property. He appears to have obtained the inheritance by chicanery,
because an eyewitness account of the reading of the will of William H. Weeks,
states that when the reading was completed, Susannah spole up and said, "Why
James! thee burned the wrong will." The will was not contested however,
and James kept his inheritance. The other living children received $300 each,
under the terms of the will, with the exception of Stephen who received about
$365. Some of Emiline's children recieved $25 Each.
This story is corrected by viewing the actual will in which all is given to first,
his wife Susanna; secondly, all is given to son James and he is directed to to
give each of his siblings $200 to be paid within two years after Susanna's death.
Susannah SHEFFIELD (photo)
was born on 24 Feb 1802 in Rhode Island, USA.(3)
She died on 26 Feb 1885 in Elba, Genesee, NY.
(3) William Henry WEEKS and Susannah SHEFFIELD had the following children:
+4 i.
Welcome WICKS.
5 ii. William
Henry WEEKS was born on 20 Jan 1820 in Farmington, Ontario, NY.
(4) He died on 17 Jun 1838 in Elba, Genesee, NY.
6 iii.
Susannah WEEKS died about 1821 in Farmington, Ontario, NY.
(4) She was born in Jan 1821 in Farmington, Ontario, NY.
(4) GEN: See Historical Document.
+7 iv.
Emiline WEEKS.
+8 v.
Joshua WICKS.
+9 vi.
Edward S. WICKS.
+10 vii.
+11 viii.
Melvina WEEKS.
+12 ix.
Jane Sarah WEEKS.
+13 x.
Stephen Ackley WICKS.
14 xi.
Phebe Ann WEEKS was born on 1 Feb 1839 in Elba, Genesee, NY. She died on
17 Oct 1839 in Elba, Genesee, NY.
+15 xii.
James Harvey WEEKS.